Principles of Organisation for Chefoo Reconsidered 2018

During CR 2018 we took the opportunity with a large number of Chefusians present, representing a range of generations and experiences of Chefoo and missionary childhood, to review the purpose, ideals and structures of CR.

We saw that we have been an informal spontaneously organised group with volunteers coming forward to organize CR events. There was a strong feeling that informality and lack of structure are important to be preserved. However, we recognize that in our group are some who have become vulnerable adults from effects of the childhoods we shared. We also thus recognize we have a duty to care for such of us who are vulnerable to further damage.

How to meet these two needs (for informal organization, while exercising our duty of care to any vulnerable members) has been carefully considered in the formation of this document. There is already a document in the website laying out general principles which are still active - this is included below as Appendix B. It is proposed we add the following principles that have been through a debate in the Facebook Group. It was asked at CR 2018 that after debate, the entire CR group should be surveyed on whether to adopt these new principles. In addition, the group will be asked if the previous principles should be kept active, or merely kept as part of our history.

1. Inclusivity - CR is open to all children of OMF missionaries irrespective of whether they attended an OMF Chefoo School, hostel or dorm, and all those who attended an OMF Chefoo School, hostel or dorm irrespective of whether their parents were OMF missionaries. A few partners of CR members are also members themselves.

This inclusivity, which is irrespective of age, nationality, ethnicity, gender, health, mental or physical impairment, sexuality, past history, or beliefs, is balanced by our aim that CR will be a welcoming safe place for all.

2. Safety – We hear each other’s stories with respect, acceptance and care. This is vital in creating an environment within CR which offers psychological safety and wellbeing for all. We recognize that members of our group may hold very different views on politics, theology, self-expression, etc. Our group commitment is to accept such differences, show respect for all equally, and seek to avoid intentionally causing offence.

3. Confidentiality - Our stories are our own. We will obtain permission before telling part of someone else’s story. We will exercise judgement and sensitivity in posting on social media a photo of a CR member, with the understanding that seeking permission is best practice; and is required when their children are in the picture.

4. Organising - All members are equal and there is no formal management structure. Leadership is voluntary and limited to specific events; and those committee members should be affirmed by a popular vote by the wider group.

5. Transparency of decisions made - to help this occur, a committee of regional facilitators will be formed by nomination and vote, a ‘ Coordinating Committee’ of at least four CR members, from across the world, to meet regularly via video conference or teleconference, whose job it is to be available to assist the national members coordinate events, and to let the national members know CR News and forthcoming events; to promote transparency.

This committee will have no authority to set agendas or exercise veto when coordinating with other committees or the wider CR community, nor to independently make decisions affecting the broader community, except in the case of a ‘safeguarding issue’ arising as a new committee forms. In that case, the forming Event Committee will meet with the Coordinating Committee for resolution of the safeguarding issues (See below).

To maximize the distribution of the load and manage influence, it is recommended that where replacements can be found half the committee is replaced every two years with a preferred maximum term of four years for any individual.

6. Safeguarding is the word used for policies and procedures to protect the vulnerable. We ask that anyone proposing to serve on a committee should carefully review their actual and perceived fitness for the role and consider their personal power and influence.

To affirm this, we ask that candidates submit a statutory declaration, affidavit or equivalent to be considered by that newly forming committee.

A proposed form of wording for that document is appended below (Appendix A).

Each committee will assess these statements for suitability for the work, and develop strategies if necessary to safeguard vulnerable members. The results of the Safety Screening will be notified to the Coordinating Committee, and if there are any difficulties a meeting as previously detailed will be called, between the forming Event Committee and

the Coordinating Committee. This combined group will determine a path forward, adopting safety, care for individuals, and balancing transparency and confidentiality as important elements.

Storage of these documents is the responsibility of each committee as is maintaining the

confidentiality of any discussions surrounding them.

7. Decisions affecting the broader community can only be made by our whole community. Where decisions cannot be resolved by the various committees and those issues are affecting the broader CR community, they are to be put to a vote by the CR community as defined by Item 1.

These Principles should be reviewed every three years

That marks the end of the Principles document . Explanatory notes follow.

Because this is a difficult area, and we have no structure to regulate or be responsible for leadership safeguarding, there will still be a high responsibility on each volunteer to examine their own fitness for CR work, and on each committee.

So then, the way the next CR event should occur is this:

1. As before, a person/s will volunteer, and gather a committee to assist by calling for volunteers.

2. The first function of that committee will be to obtain a Statutory Declaration of Safety, or the appropriate safeguard for each country, for all members. The forming committee will need to consider the findings of the Safety Screening at their first meeting.

3. Then the committee willnotify the Coordinating Group their plans, openly discussing Safeguarding issues. If there are safety issues, a combined meeting of the forming committee with the Coordinating Committee will determine a path forward, adopting safety, care for individuals, and balancing transparency and confidentiality, as important principles.

4. Hold an open survey in the broader CR group to confirm the composition of the committee is acceptable to the broader group.

Then the work starts!

Appendix A – Proposed wording for a Statutory Declaration of Fitness to be a committee member in leading a CR event.

I am proposing to become a member of a committee in the informal group Chefoo Reconsidered, as defined in the website , and in the Facebook private group Chefoo Reconsidered. I am required to produce a statement of good standing.

1. I am not aware of anything in my life history that would, in any way, interfere with my suitability or ability to participate in the committee’s work.

2. I have no history of theft, fraud or financial crime within the last 15 years.

3. I will disclose to the other committee members all arrests, charges or convictions for any offence and any other matter that may be perceived as pertinent to this role.

4. I have not engaged ever in sexual or inappropriate physical contact with vulnerable adults, youth or children in a voluntary, professional or pastoral relationship.’

Writing this document has been difficult. It is likely some may not accept parts, or the whole, as we are a diverse group. Please understand that a lot of thought has gone into this statement of principles. Thank you for putting further work in thinking through these issues as we try and set a path forward for this wonderful CR movement.

John Chenoweth – as nominated at CR 2018 Elwyn Ten Brink – as nominated at CR 2018

Doug Hayman (co-opted. Also present at CR 2018)

With gratitude to all others who contributed along the way on Facebook, in emails and messages, and in reviewing this document.

September 2018

Appendix B What is Chefoo Reconsidered? Principles – Existing Edition.

We are … the alumni of the Chefoo Schools established in various countries by OMF since the first Chefoo School in China and of the hostels and dorms set up by the mission.

... a means for the Chefoo/Hostels family to meet to share our memories and experiences and to confront the issues we face today as a consequence of early childhood separation.

... committed to working alongside OMF to best serve our adult TCK’s.

We are not ... set up in opposition to OMF

... bent on apportioning blame or seeking restitution for damage done to us as


... seeking to deflect from OMF’s primary purpose.

We aim to … provide regular opportunities for the Chefoo tribe to meet together to celebrate the good, deal with the bad and look to the future.

... provide a secure, family environment where Chefusians can be fully accepted, loved and supported and have fun together.

... provide practical, financial and counselling support for those struggling with the issues caused by early childhood separation and our subsequent ‘homeland’ experiences.

We promise to ... endeavour to make all Chefusians feel equally welcome at CR events and on the closed CR Facebook group.

... provide a safe environment in which Chefusians can share freely and openly and without any fear of any violation of their privacy.

... provide the widest possible range of events and opportunities to meet the needs of everyone within the CR community.

... provide a setting in which faith issues may be discussed respectfully without any fear of faith or non-faith positions being disrespected.

NB. CR cannot guarantee that outside speakers may not occasionally step over the agreed line in this respect, but we will do everything in our power to prepare invitees to properly respect this intention and we will deal promptly with any infringements.

Chefusian - anyone who attended any of the Chefoo schools, hostels or dorms.